Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Lat: 56 ° 0 'NorthLong: 113 ° 55 '

WestPopualtion: 578,000

Population density: 400 people per square kilometer.

Terrain: There are mountains, forests, hills.

Climate: The average in the winter of -9.7 degrees C in the summer of an average of 22 degrees

Ecozone: Pacific Maritime.

National Park: Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, Gulf Islands National Park Reserve, Yoho National Park, Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, Glacier National Park and Kootenay National Park.Primary Industries: Lumber and paper products, shipbuilding.

Day 1

We are now currently in Halifax and are unpacking our luggage in to the Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel. the hotel was beautiful! We got a great deal on the hotel since my dad new the owner our nightly rate was 189.00 (CAD)for two days. But I had no time to look around I had to start researching on halifax. Where I was, the weather, places I could go, things I could see population and stuff I might want to know.
So I started I found out that halifax is exactly Latitude = 53.7244, Longitude = -1.8616 on the map. They have 940,917 people not that much but its not much considering Nova Scotia isn't that big. Halifax has an eastern-maritime climate, with a short, warm summer and a cold winter. Disturbed, changeable weather is common throughout the year. We even had a weather channel to update us on the weather so we new what to wear.
My mother says we wont be shopping hear because when we go Edmonton thats all we are going to be doing at the Edmonton Mall.
Then my bother announced that his PSP had died and he was so boared he wanted us to take him thwe best resturant in town "BURGER KING"
My mom rolled her eyes and it made my little brother die of laughter. then my dad came and yelled at everybody to get ready. So all of us quickly and quietly had showered, dressed up and went into the car.
So all of us (well my parents) had decied to go to a nice Italian resturant not to far from the hotel.
I ate a cheese tortillini with chicken and creamy pesto for 21.95. I was so hungery i didn't even notce what everybody else had eaten. After we got desert I got ice cream I told them to put every kind they had to satisfy me and they lady just smiled and walked away and came back with the biggest plate of icecream ever. Me and my brother were so full full we came home and just slept they whole night till ten the next morning and my parents were very impressed. it was so quiet my parents could't sleep beccause they are so used to hearing us talking!

Day 2

The next day was the day to discover halifax. We were all going to get to see the interesting things to see in halifax. We diecided to go to Pier 21. It is a historical site. Over 1.5 million immigrants, war brides, displaced people, evacuee children, and Canadian military personnel passed through this famous building between 1928 and 1971. It is a place where we can see the people that helped build our nation.

We had spent the whole day there seeing exciting stuff. We even had people tour us around and explain about it. After that we went to go eat ice cream my mum was craving seafood since nova scta is famous for there seafood. but we got ice cream i mean they chose the dinner the night before it was our turn to choose what to snack on. <3>

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