Saturday, June 12, 2010

Montreal, Quebec

Latitude = 45.5089, Longitude = -73.5542
Lat = 45 degrees, 30.5 minutes North
Long = 73 degrees, 33.3 minutes West

The population of Montreal on June 7th 2010 is approximately 1,620,698.

4,439 per square kilometre

Density 4439 km2 (2006)

The average temperature in Montreal, Quebec, Canada is 7.0 °C (45 °F).
The average temperature range is 31 °C.
The highest monthly average high temperature is 26 °C (79 °F) in July.
The lowest monthly average low temperature is -13 °C (9 °F) in January.

Ecozone: Boreal Shield
Montreal Botanical Garden

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Quebec, Canada's largest province, occupies a vast territory (nearly three times the size of France), most of which is very sparsely populated. More than 90 percent of Quebec's area lies within the Canadian Shield, and includes the greater part of the Labrador Peninsula. Quebec's highest mountain is Mont D'Iberville, which is located on the border with Newfoundland and Labrador in the northeastern part of the province in the Torngat Mountains.

Day 1

Today was a good day. I was stuffed. On our way here we stopped at a few gas stations and we got so much beef jerkey. thats basically all my family eats when traveling in cars on raod trips. i thnk thats why my little brother throws up so much when were traveling. My dad just tells my mum he gets car sick because he loves beef jurkey and deosn't want my mum telling us not to eat it anymore. Its liek my dads and brothers favourite food.

This time the city was beautiful. I was familliar with the city considering we come every year. But we haven't been here in a year because now that we are in high school we can't afford to miss two weeks of school. I didn' want top fall behind but my parents insisted on going before school ends so not as many tourists will be there because of school and stuff.

Our hotel was so much better. It was called the Intercontinental hotel. It has a big pool and they had nice big beds. The landscape was beautiful. It had lots of trees and natural things to see. Everybody spoke french and my mommy was pushing me speak it to improve my french laguage.

We got to go to the childrens museum. Inside them there was pictures, money, clothing. foods, and writing of different countries from the world. there was alot of toys and kids running every where. My parents were boared and wanted to leave but we stayed there almost the whole day. There was this resturant that had fake foods in it and we got to pretend to be cheifs and serve people food. I felt like a little kid playing there it was kind of embarrasing but hey i didn't now any one there and there was no kids my age to make fun of me. There were just liitle kids and parents supervising there kids so it was all good!!

At around five my had had enough and left. So my dad had to drag us out of the museum. My little brother cried and my mum asked why and he just siad he wanted beef jurkey. So we all ended up eating beef jurkey and my little brother threw up again my dad said it was the water. He says it differs from St.Kitts and again my mum fell for it and just gave him more beef jurkey. In montreal there was alot of water. At night we went out for icecream at the Plus Que Parfait. The icecream was three dollars. I got a stawberry flavoured one. It was so yummy buti didn't want to know how much calories were in it. :P we then just simply walked around. Saw some small shops bought some earings and neckleces i was planning on buying for my friend in St,kitts. they weren't expensive just a dollar or two so my mum bought alot of them. We walked on the bridge by montreal and in the downtown area but my little bbrother was tired since it was getting late so my parent took us home.

It was about midnight when got I was so happy I got to see they gorgeus view in real life and not in pictures like back in St.Kitts. We all slpet soundly and woke the next day tiered since it was a long night. We got to eat breakfast in the hotel. I went down in my jamies My dad had alot of coffee and so did my mum except she put sugar in hers.

Day 2

We had to get our day started so we showered and got dressed and came downstairs ans soon as possible. We went to the Notre-Dame Basilica.Notre-Dame is noted for its lavish and beautiful interior – stained glass windows, paintings, statues, gold-tipped polychrome carvings, rich altarpiece. It also has a notable Casavant organ and its largest bell, le Gros Bourdon, is the biggest on the continent.
Céline Dion got married at Notre-Dame, it's typically the site of funerals of significant people such as
Pierre Trudeau and Maurice Richard, and classical and choral concerts are held there. There's a son et lumière that tells about the church's history.
Notre-Dame shares Place d'Armes with the
Vieux Séminaire, dating from 1685, the red sandstone New York Life building (1888) – Montreal's first skyscraper – the elegant deco Aldred Building (1931), the imposing Roman-style Bank of Montreal building, and the central monument to de Maisonneuve, founder of the original settlement of Ville-Marie. Place d'Armes is currently undergoing something of a renovation.
Notre-Dame is only one of
many beautiful churches in the city.

Then we went to The Olympic Stadium and environsThe Olympic Stadium was built for Montreal's 1976 Summer Olympics and is used today for some sports events and major concerts. An elevator ascends the world's tallest inclined tower to a lookout on top; tickets are for sale at the base. The stadium is one of Montreal's most curious pieces of architecture and is accompanied by the Biodome (a building originally used for cycle racing during the 1976 games, now a kind of indoor zoo), shown at left above.

Then we came back to the hotel watched some television. We watched reruns of hockey games then fell asleep. Our parents said we have to sleep well because we have a long trip infront of us tomorrow when we go to Régina.

C ya ;)

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